Hairstyles website new webdesign

Hairstyle and make-up website of Anelia Kosharaka has been renovated with brand new web-design and some new navigation and functional improvements. Screen-shot of new design is available below.

hairstyles new design

Problem during XP SP3 (service pack 3) install on a nForce4 chipset

Service Pack 3 installation interrupted before it’s completion afterwards the computer is restarted.

System Event viewer shows a problem loading nForce Bus device. This points out to the network bus driver which enables the Ethernet controller.
Latest driver version of the network driver Ethernet driver 4.75 (WHQL). Latest available network driver Ethernet driver 4.75 (WHQL).

Boot in Safe Mode.
Install Service Pack 3 on nForce4 chipset.
Log in Safe Mode.
Unistal the nForce Bus driver.
Disable the device.
Reinstall the Network Bus Driver.

I have stumbled upon three such cases, before finding an adequate solution of the problem, but I did not test any other combinations such as reinstalling the computer with an integrated SP3 installation and so on. Anyway the above procedure solved my troubles.

Biju-03 jewellery manufacturer in Bulgaria is a website that I created back in the beginning of 2008. Biju-03 are family owned jewellery company. they produce a wide range of jewellery products such as silver and gold rings, bracelets, ear-rings, wedding rings and other.

The company also offers a lot of services for their clients as well as for other professionals in the field.

Bulgarian jewellery company

To contact Biju-03 you can use the following phone number +359 963 24 02.

Joomla login problem

When I try to log in the administrators front end of a Joomla installation – nothing happens, no login event, no error message, nothing but the refresh of the login page.

I did try to find a solution in the official Joomla forum
but all I got there was a suggestion to change the session_path parameter by inserting a pointer in the .htaccess file. After doing so nothing seemed to have changed.

After investigating the cause if found out that the problem it occurred after a colleague of mine made changes to the php.ini switching off the following parameter
session.use_cookies = 0
on a unix installation. He needed to change this parameter in order to get one application running, which caused Joomla to loose track of login attempts.

The walk around of this problem is to place the following entry in the .htaccess file:
php_value session.use_cookies ‘On’
this will enable the feature “session use cookies”.

Bico – jewellery in Bulgaria is the website of  Bico Australia’s Bulgarian representatives. Bico are leaders on the jewellery market since 1995. Their jewellery designs are innovative and stylish.

The website has an simplified and friendly design, feedback contact form, about us section and an online shop.

bico australia
