Scheduled backup of large directories using WinRar

There are many ways to backup data from a computer. Sometimes the requirements are such that you have to come up with a custom solution. In this particular case, apart from using hard drives in RAID volume, there has to be an scheduled backup on DVD-s which have to be stored in a location different from the location of the station.

So I decided to write an simple BATCH script which will archive and split the directory into parts suitable for burning on DVD. Then I schedule id with windows scheduler.

Here is the script:

@Echo Off
@For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=. " %%A in ('Date /t') do @( 
Set Day=%%A
Set Month=%%B
Set Year=%%C
Set All=%%C_%%B_%%A

set DirToCopy="E:\dirtobackup"

set DirToPaste="F:\backup_%ALL%\destdir\"

set DirToArchive="F:\backup_%ALL%\destdir"

set ArchiveFile="F:\backup_%ALL%\backup.rar"

set rarEXE="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"

set volumeSize=4588544

xcopy /E /Y %DirToCopy% %DirToPaste%

%rarEXE% a -ag_YYYY_MM_DD -v%volumeSize%k %ArchiveFile% %DirToArchive% 

rem pause 

In brief this code gets the time from your computer. Copies the directory E:\dirtobackup in another drive F: in a folder (DirToPaste) containing the date of the backup. Then it archives and splits (in parts of 4588544 Kb which is appropriate size for burning on DVD) the copied directory.

Now all you need to do is to paste the code into a file with an .bat extension (Change the directory paths to match your needs). Add it to the scheduled tasks of your operating system. Burn on DVD after the script is executed.

HP M1522N MFP – multiple page scan problem

A brand new HP M1522N has problems when scanning from it’s adf (automatic document feeder). When you put the documents in the ADF and press scan only the first page gets scanned correctly. The same thing happens when you try to scan from the computer using the original CD utilities provided with the multifunction device.

I read this topic in the HP forum:

I also called an HP service center and old them of my problem, they called me back on the other day asking me give them the printer so they could see the problem themselves.


I have reinstalled the printer software couple of times using all available sources – no result. Afterwards I’ve changed the printers firmware – no result.

Then I tried using the Windows Scanner and Camera wizard and the scanner worked fine.

So in my opinion HP have to resolve an software issue with the multiple page scan from ADF on a HP M1522N MFP device. So if you experience such problem try the latest software from HP and if it dose not solve your problem just use the Windows Scanner and Camera Wizard (Start Menu – > All Programs – > Accessories -> Scanner and Camera Wizard) and you will be able to scan multiple pages. You can access the multiple pages scan option in the Scanner and Cammera Wizard by choosing “Document Feeder” for the “paper source” option on the “Choose Scanning Options” page.

Downgrading a Sony Vaio AR2 from Vista to XP professional


– Sony Vaio computer which need to downgrade from Vista to XP

– Not fully functional optical drive Matashita (reads only dvd not cd)

– Windows XP cannot find the hard disk during the installation process


The solution of the problem is to install XP with Additional drivers pressing F6 when prompted to. As XP requires a Floppy Drive for this sake, I had to create a separate installation CD for the machine which includes the required drivers. Of course as the Optical Device was not properly working I burned the compilation on DVD.

Step by step (how to):

– download your drivers from Sony my case was VGN-AR21M

– download and instal Nlite

– choose your source (original source of the OS) and destination (en empty folder intended on your c: partition)

– when the dialog appears make sure that you select Drivers and Bootable ISO (if you want you can add other features to your compilation)

– now you have to insert the driver required by XP to see your hard disks, I personally have added to drivers:
    — iastor.inf – Intel(R) 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH7M) depending on your configuration (if you have two disks in RAID volume) you might choose Intel(R) 82801GHM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH7M/DH)
    — SI3132.inf – Silicon Image Sil 3132 SATALink Controller for Windows XP/ Server 2003

– bur the compilation on a DVD

– install OS
