Configuring a bind.conf

I was trying to configure a named server on a Fedora 9 distribution, but when I try to run the server it outputs the following error:

loading from path_to_zone_file; no such file or directory _default/

I tried to search around for the cause of this problem, but I was not able to find anything.

The solution turned out to be quite simple. Named looks within it’s default directory for its zone files, so it tries to find default_named_dir/path_to_zone_file. So you should just copy your zone files to your default named directory and give them the required permissions.

In this particular Fedora 9 installation the default named directory was “/var/named/chroot/var/named/”.

Iptables masquarading simple and working rule

This is a simple masquerading rule, to allow computers behind a Unix machine to access Internet.

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE

These three lines stand for:
– allow “IP” forwarding
– flush the “-t nat” table to ensure that there are no other rules that apply to your policy
– masquerade the traffic generated by the network

You can add these three lines at the bottom of your “/etc/rc.local” file to ensure that after a reboot your machine will continue to masquerade.

Fujitsu Siemens – M1437G – reinstaling windows without the original CD’s

If you ever come across reinstalling the operating on a Fujitsu Siemens M1437G notebook without the original CD’s (CD’s were lost) you will find out that your Installation (in this example Windows XP Home edition) CD will not see your hard drive.

The solution to the problem is to install the SATA drivers during the install process. You can find the drivers on the Fujitsu Siemens website in the support section. After downloading it you can find the driver in the following folder “VIA ComboRAID Software Package V4.40a\drvdisk\i386\NT5”. The actual install can be processed in two different ways:

– In the first case you will need an external floppy connected to you notebook. Copy the driver on an floppy diskette. Start the install process. Press F6 when prompted to. Navigate to the driver on your floppy and continue. Now you should be able to process the install as usual.

– You can also slip-stream the driver into the installation. This can be done by creating a custom CD with Nlite. You can follow the instructions described in instaliing xp after vista article.

Optical drive (CD or DVD) not recognized

This is an classic problem when installing a new optical drive to your system. The reason for its occurrence is that most drives come by default with master device jumper configuration. In such cases if you install the drive on the secondary cable connector, the your PC won’t be able to recognize the newly installed drive. The solution is to set the jumper to cable select (CS) or slave (SL) I personally prefer the second option.

HP M1522N MFP – multiple page scan problem

A brand new HP M1522N has problems when scanning from it’s adf (automatic document feeder). When you put the documents in the ADF and press scan only the first page gets scanned correctly. The same thing happens when you try to scan from the computer using the original CD utilities provided with the multifunction device.

I read this topic in the HP forum:

I also called an HP service center and old them of my problem, they called me back on the other day asking me give them the printer so they could see the problem themselves.


I have reinstalled the printer software couple of times using all available sources – no result. Afterwards I’ve changed the printers firmware – no result.

Then I tried using the Windows Scanner and Camera wizard and the scanner worked fine.

So in my opinion HP have to resolve an software issue with the multiple page scan from ADF on a HP M1522N MFP device. So if you experience such problem try the latest software from HP and if it dose not solve your problem just use the Windows Scanner and Camera Wizard (Start Menu – > All Programs – > Accessories -> Scanner and Camera Wizard) and you will be able to scan multiple pages. You can access the multiple pages scan option in the Scanner and Cammera Wizard by choosing “Document Feeder” for the “paper source” option on the “Choose Scanning Options” page.
