Docker inspect list ports, volumes and etc.
The `docker inspect` returns useful information about Docker containers.
To filter the returned input one can request a return format.
Main documentation can be found here:
A peace of information that is not immediately visible, but is always of interest is the list of volumes bonded, which can be extracted as follows:
docker inspect --format='{{json .HostConfig.Binds}}' container_name
To retrieve a list of the binds separated by a new line:
docker inspect --format='{{json .HostConfig.Binds}}' container_name | \
sed 's/"//g;s/\[//g;s/\]//g'| \
tr ',' '\n'
For the network settings:
docker inspect --format='{{json .NetworkSettings.Ports}}' container_name
To find the command which was used when the docker was started:
docker inspect -f "{{.Name}} {{.Config.Cmd}}" container_name
To find the environment variables with which the container was started:
docker inspect --format "{{.Config.Env}}" container_name
Many more useful inspect format magics could be found here: