Fujitsu Siemens – M1437G – reinstaling windows without the original CD’s

If you ever come across reinstalling the operating on a Fujitsu Siemens M1437G notebook without the original CD’s (CD’s were lost) you will find out that your Installation (in this example Windows XP Home edition) CD will not see your hard drive.

The solution to the problem is to install the SATA drivers during the install process. You can find the drivers on the Fujitsu Siemens website in the support section. After downloading it you can find the driver in the following folder “VIA ComboRAID Software Package V4.40a\drvdisk\i386\NT5”. The actual install can be processed in two different ways:

– In the first case you will need an external floppy connected to you notebook. Copy the driver on an floppy diskette. Start the install process. Press F6 when prompted to. Navigate to the driver on your floppy and continue. Now you should be able to process the install as usual.

– You can also slip-stream the driver into the installation. This can be done by creating a custom CD with Nlite. You can follow the instructions described in instaliing xp after vista article.
